Sunday, March 21, 2010

Our trip to California was AMAZING! Shawn did an excellent job speaking at the retreat at Double Arrow camp in the Sierra-Nevada mountains. It was a relaxing time with a great group of people.

Then we made our way to the coast to fulfill a lifelong dream of seeing the great Redwoods. It was cra-zy!

They say that the Redwood forest is the quietest park in the country, I would have to concur. Walking amongst these giants can leave you word stricken. I think the wonder of it is found in several factors. The first being, there's more that one monstrous tree. It's not just one giant tree, it's thousands! Next, they're living! We've walked amongst the ruins of people who lived thousands of years ago which is cool. But walking amongst these trees, we're standing next to the oldest living organisms on earth.....just incredible.

This is us inside a tree....with room to spare!

Then the sun came out and gave us this spectacular view as we drove up the coastal highway!!!

and finally the seals at Crescent City

WE loved our trip!! It was such a great experience and just nice to be away!