Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mmmmmm, the Mountains!!!!!

We went to the Smokwy mountains a couple weekends ago and it was fantastic! It was so nice to get away from Anderson and be surrounded by creation in one of its finest forms, the mountains! Our original reason for going was to go to a "festival" in NC, but when we got here it was a bust, so we made out way back up to the smokies and camped in the park. We were able to see two baby black bears! We were driving on a primitive road, and they both just popped up from the side of the road. We also saw wild turkeys, deer, coyotes and all kinds of odd TN folk. Just a warning, if you loved Gatlinburg as a child and think it's still an excellent place to visit...I'd reconsider, the place is ridiculous anymore. It is now the absolute prime place for neon signs and airbrushed T's. Either way, it was fantastic and we were thankful for the time away from this crazy town!

Hope all of you are doing well! LOVE!